
着魔。说实话我不熬夜,可是一旦与这魅惑的东西邂逅后,一见钟情爱不释手,甚至还会忍不住一摸再摸,无法抗拒内蕴的美与温暖,甘心为它爆肝。说实话 我很少看杂志,可是每页内容竟都那么对味儿,如狼似虎贪婪地逐字逐行逐图逐页赏读,看完后精神饱足得打了声嗝。说实话我内心感动不已,一群有心的年轻人在 这片土地上自发开辟了一处漂亮的玫瑰园,出版了如此优质的杂志书。太佩服这些杂志书匠了,交出那么棒的作品,以你们为荣,“互相努力”!
“We often have contradictory sentiments about the everyday – on one hand, we are always trying to rid ourselves of the stifling rhythm its predictability brings; on the other hand, we find that we can hardly distance ourselves from the sense of assurance that our daily routines provide.” Shin Lin, Editor-in-Chief of Encounters.
